Thanks to Jenny Li, a fellow U-High alum, for her Facebook status today. She introduced me to word "tortfeasor" as part of her daily lexicon. The word refers to a person who commits a tort. I have to admit, I'll have trouble using it regularly. But she won't, she's in TV journalism and can probably sneak it into her nightly broadcasts.
When I looked up the "tortfeasor" on, I also checked the word of the day. For February 27, 2010, the word for the day is "supplicate". As an intransitive verb it means to make a humble and earnest petition; to pray humbly.
What interested me in this word and prompted me to write today's post was the quote used to illustrate how "supplicate" is used.
"In this formula, practitioners of religion are more or less powerless over the supernatural beings with whom they deal; they can only supplicate those beings for favours and then await their response." - Folklore, Ronald Hutton, April 2000, "Paganism and Polemic"
It is day 20 of my 40 day journey - the half way point. To this day, I have not reached my #1 objective of being gainfully employed. To borrow from Hutton - as a practictioner of my religion, I have supplicated the supernatural being with whom I deal (God, my Heavenly Father in the name of his son, Jesus Christ). I have supplicated Him for many "favours". And I am still awaiting His response because I am powerless over him.
Does this bother me? No! One of the best compliments I was paid was while having coffee (water for me) with Robert McBeath this past Thursday, February 25 (day 18 of 40). He pointed out how I have prayed as if, and shown faith that, the outcome of my 40 day journey is entirely up to God. But that I'm working as if the outcome is entirely up to me.
I'm learning through this whole experience that this is how I have to be. I've never given any goal in my life as much focus and determination as this. And if I don't continue to supplicate Him for favours, while working as best as I can. I will never receive a response. Yes I hoped I'd hear a response from Him, but the journey is only half way through. The prophet Noah didn't get a break after raining only 20 days and night. So I know that I must continue my focus, supplicating God along the way.
If not, I may be a tortfeasor! :-)